My name is Yahya Schroder.
I am a "European" Muslim.
I became Muslim when I was 17.
I am living now in Potsdam, Germany and I want to share my experience with you as a Muslim in a non-Muslim state.
As a convert to Islam, I think it's much easier to follow the deen (religion) than a born Muslim who is been raised up here.
all young born-Muslims I know want to become Germans. For them Islam is
only a tradition and they think that they have to give up their
tradition (Islam) to be accepted by the Germans, despite the fact that
the Germans won't accept them even if they gave up their religion.
grew up in a little village. I lived with my mother and my stepfather
in a huge house with a big garden and a big pool. And as a teenager I
"lived a cool life;" I had some friends whom I used to hang around with,
do stupid things and drink alcohol like every young German teen.
life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think
especially for me as a German Muslim because when someone asks a German
what they know about Islam; they would tell you something about Arabs.
For them it's like mathematical operation Islam = Arabs.
still don't know about our big nation. When I converted to Islam I had
to leave my family and I moved to the community in Potsdam near Berlin. I
left this huge house and all my material valuable stuff.
I lived with my mother and my stepfather I had everything; a big house,
my own money, TV, Play-station. I was never concerned about money, but I
wasn't happy. I was searching for something else.
I turned 16 I met the Muslim community in Potsdam through my biological
father who became Muslim in 2001. I used to visit my father once a
month and we used to attend the meetings of the community which were
held on Sundays.
that time, I was interested in Islam, and my father noticed this and
told me one day that he wouldn't speak about Islam when we are together
because he wanted me to learn from people of greater knowledge so that
other people won't say: "Oh he became Muslim just because he's 17 and
does everything his father does."
agreed and I started visiting the community every month and learned a
lot about Islam but at that time something happened and changed my way
of thinking. One Sunday, I went with the Muslim community swimming and I
broke my back twice by jumping in the pool and I hit the ground with my
I noticed when Allah wants something; the individual's life can be turned over in one second. |
My father brought me to the hospital and the doctor told me:
"You have broken your back quite bad and if you did one wrong movement you'll become handicapped."
This didn't help me much, but then just a few moments before they brought me to the operation room one of my friends of the Muslims community told me something:
"Yahya, you are now in the hands of Allah, it's like a rollercoaster.
Now you are on the top enjoy the ride and just trust in Allah." This
really helped me.
operation took five hours and I woke up after 3 days. I couldn't move
my right arm but I was feeling like the happiest person on this earth. I
told the doctor that I don't care about my right arm I'm so happy that
Allah has let me survive.
Now, I can move my right arm again and I was just two weeks there Al-hamdu lillah. This accident changed a lot in my personality.
noticed when Allah wants something; the individual's life can be turned
over in one second. So, I took life more serious and started thinking
more about my life and Islam, but I was still living in this little
I made a lot of da`wah to my classmates and now I even have a praying room although I'm the only Muslim in my school. |
wish to become Muslim became so strong that I had to leave my family. I
left my stepfather, my mother and the luxury lifestyle to go to
Potsdam. I moved to my father's apartment which is rather small and I
had to stay in the kitchen but it was okay because I had nothing just a
very few clothes, school books, and some CDs.
In My New School
The day after my first day in school I said Shahadah Al-hamdu lillah.
So, everything was new for me, new apartment, new school, and first
time without my mother. Like in my school when they first noticed that I
am a Muslim they started to make jokes at me. I think this is usual
because of what they learned from the media. "A terrorist," "Osama bin
Laden is coming," "Muslims are dirty," some people thought I am just a
crazy guy. And they even didn't believe me that I am German.
But now after 10 months the situation has changed. I made a lot of da`wah to my classmates and now I even have a praying room although I'm the only Muslim in my school.
classmates changed from making jokes to asking serious question about
Islam and they noticed that Islam is not a religion like the other
religions. They noticed Islam is cool! They see that we Muslims have Adab (manners) in dealing with each other. They
noticed that we are independent from all this peer pressure, we just
keep it real we don't need to be in a special group like in my school.
my school there are three main groups: the hip hop guys; the punks; and
the party people. Everybody tries to be a member of one group, so as to
be accepted by others. Except me! I can be a friend with everybody. I
don't have to wear special clothes to be "cool." So what happened is
that they are always inviting me and my Muslim friends to their barbecue
special thing on this is that they respect me as a Muslim and even
more, they get Halal food especially for me and they have organized two
barbecue grills one for them and one for us Muslims!
The people here are very open for Islam.
(Contributed by brother Yahya on onislam.net)
alhamdu lillah..macha allah allah akbar